Sunday, May 18, 2014

May I Bid You Welcome

To all those who have never heard of me, and I am assuming that is a good many of you since I have lived in obscurity for nearly twenty-three years now, welcome to my blog, the Writer's Habitarium.  Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kara Jorgensen, and I am currently a graduate student working toward an MFA in Creative and Professional Writing.  To add to my meager list of life experience, I have bachelor's degrees in biology as well as English, which lend to my love of science fiction. 

I should really get to the point of all of this.  My main source of happiness, and why I am subjecting myself to another two years of schooling, is writing.  Currently, I am editing a novel for publication entitled The Earl of Brass, which will hopefully be out by the end of summer, and I am writing a second novel called The Winter Garden.  Both novels are from the same series and will be set in 1890s London in a world slightly different from our own where steam technology was embraced in the late 18th century rather than the combustion engine moving to the forefront.  Technically they are considered steampunk, but they tend to favor historical fiction with a pinch of fantasy.

This blog will explore history, art, Victorian quirkiness, and the quackery of 19th century medicine.  I hope you will follow me on my journey through writing and publishing.

Current Projects:
Editing Earl of Brass: 25%
Writing The Winter Garden: 50,971/80,000 words